Changes to Church Discipline

                  Changes to Church Discipline  -  Appears in Chapter 7 (of 18th edition )

   The 59th GC Session approved the inclusion of the following texts to the section, Discipline, which starts on page 56 in the (18th edition) and ends on page 67.

Fundamental Rights of the Members - Members have a fundamental right to prior notification of the discipline heeting and the right to be heard in their own defense, introduce evidence, and produce witnesses. No church should vote to remove a member under circomstances that deprive the member of these rights. Written notice must be given at least two weeks, before the meeting and include the reasons for the disciplinary hearing.   ( page 64, 65 )

     Below is the wording in the 17th edition, which was approved by the 58th GC Session in 2005

Right of the Member to be Heard in Defense - It is a fundamental principle of justice that every member has the right to be heard in hes/her own defense and to introduce evidence and produce witnesses. No church should vote to remove a member from church membership under circumstances that deprive an individual of this right, if one chooses to exercise it. Due notice should be given by the church to the member of its intention to consider the problem, thus giving the opportunity for the individual to appear.  ( page 197.)

    Another change was made to the wording in the 17th edition, regarding appeals for Reinstatement

Right of Appeal for Reinstatement - In a case where the church officers refuse to consider the application for reinstatement from a dismissed member, such an individual has a right to appeal to the church for a hearing. The church should not neglect or refuse to grant such a hearing. It is does, the individual has the right to appeal for a hearint to the executive committee of the conference/mission/field in which the church is located. If, after a full and impartial hearing, the conference is satisfied that an injustice is being inflicted by the church, the committee may recommend the reinstatement of the dismissed member. But if membership is still refused by that church, then the committee may recommend the individual to membership in some other church. On the other hand, if it finds good grounds for sustaining the church in refusing to reinstate the member, it will so record its decision.  ( page 200 )

  This has been changed by the 59th GC Session to read

Right of Appeal for Reinstatement - While it is the right of the church to administer discipline, this does not set aside the rights of members to seek fairness. If members believe that they have been treated unfairly by the local church, or not had the right to be heard fairly, and the church is unwilling to reconsider the case, the former members have a right to appeal in writing to the church for a hearing, The church should not neglect or refuse to grant such hearings. It is does, or if the former members still feel unfairly treated by the church after the appeal, they have the right to a final appeal for a hearing to the executive committee of the conference. . .   ( page 67 )




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