EGW Quotes-Action

    Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the word . . .

              A c t i o n        (  6  RELATED  PHRASES )         

     The  word  'Action'  appears  5,870  times in the writings of EGW          See page on Original site                 

   Related phrase:   

 +++    arbitrary action  ( 1 )    >   arbitrary course  (  )

      +    Arouse to action  (  )

    ++    course of action  ( 1,454 )  

              >   wrong course of action  ( 137 )  >> ( constructing new page )

              +   wicked course of action    ( see favorites below )

      +    Decisive action  (  )    [ see Favorites ]

      ++   Every action  ( 365 )    >   Every action will come into judgment   (  )

      +    Energetic action  ( 9 )  

      +    Promptness of action  (  )   [ see Favorites ]

      +    unjust action  ( 4 )    >   unjust dealing(s)  ( 20 )   >  unjust decision  ( 4 )


                            A C T I O N s                                                                  


      +    Deeds  (  )   >   Noble deeds  (  )



   Actions are the following of desires and purposes, and have a moral character for good or for evil. The thoughts and feelings and inclinations of the heart are discerned only by the eye of God. He is a witness to every action however secret. You cannot lead your brothers or sisters into safe paths. Your sister needed the watchcare of your mother, and should not have been separated from her. She has been unaware of the greatness of the peril to the character of her daughter through associations of a kind which will not have an uplifting, refining tendency upon her present and eternal interest.  {20MR 53.1}


   The religion of Christ is something more than talk. The righteousness of Christ consists in right actions and good works from pure, unselfish motives. Outside righteousness, while the inward adorning is wanting, will be of no avail. “This then is the message which we have heard of Him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth: but if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” If we have not the light and love of God we are not His children. If we gather not with Christ we scatter abroad. We all have an influence, and that influence is telling upon the destiny of others for their present and future good or for their eternal loss.  { 3T 528.3} 


    Later in the history of the early church, when in various parts of the world many groups of believers had been formed into churches, the organization of the church was further perfected, so that order and harmonious action might be maintained. Every member was exhorted to act well his part. Each was to make a wise use of the talents entrusted to him. Some were endowed by the Holy Spirit with special gifts—“first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.” 1 Corinthians 12:28. But all these classes of workers were to labor in harmony. { AA 91.2} 


  For two years no further action was taken against Paul, yet he remained a prisoner. Felix visited him several times and listened attentively to his words. But the real motive for this apparent friendliness was a desire for gain, and he intimated that by the payment of a large sum of money Paul might secure his release. The apostle, however, was of too noble a nature to free himself by a bribe. He was not guilty of any crime, and he would not stoop to commit a wrong in order to gain freedom. Furthermore, he was himself too poor to pay such a ransom, had he been disposed to do so, and he would not, in his own behalf, appeal to the sympathy and generosity of his converts. He also felt that he was in the hands of God, and he would not interfere with the divine purposes respecting himself. { AA 426.3} 


   I have been shown that the most signal victories and the most fearful defeats have been on the turn of minutes. God requires promptness of action. Delays, doubtings, hesitation, and indecision frequently give the enemy every advantage.... { GW92 97.3 } 
The timing of things may tell much in favor of truth. Victories are frequently lost through delays. There will be crises in this cause. Prompt and decisive action at the right time will gain glorious triumphs, while delay and neglect will result in great failures and positive dishonor to God. Rapid movements at the critical moment often disarm the enemy, and he is disappointed and vanquished, for he had expected time to lay plans and work by artifice. { GW92 97.4 } 


  The trials and anxieties that Paul had endured had preyed upon his physical powers. The infirmities of age were upon him. He felt that he was now doing his last work, and, as the time of his labor grew shorter, his efforts became more intense. There seemed to be no limit to his zeal. Resolute in purpose, prompt in action, strong in faith, he journeyed from church to church, in many lands, and sought by every means within his power to strengthen the hands of the believers, that they might do faithful work in winning souls to Jesus, and that in the trying times upon which they were even then entering, they might remain steadfast to the gospel, bearing faithful witness for Christ. { AA 488.1} 
  With the growing contempt for God’s law there is an increasing distaste for religion, an increase of pride, love of pleasure, disobedience to parents, and self-indulgence; and thoughtful minds everywhere are anxiously inquiring, What can be done to correct these alarming evils? The answer is found in Paul’s exhortation to Timothy, “Preach the word.” In the Bible are found the only safe principles of action. It is a transcript of the will of God, an expression of divine wisdom. It opens to man’s understanding the great problems of life, and to all who heed its precepts it will prove an unerring guide, keeping them from wasting their lives in misdirected effort. { AA 506.1} 
  Love must be the principle of action. Love is the underlying principle of God’s government in heaven and earth, and it must be the foundation of the Christian’s character. This alone can make and keep him steadfast. This alone can enable him to withstand trial and temptation. { COL 49.1} 










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