Act - Acts - Action (Separate page)

    Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the word . . .

                A C t   -   A C t s  -  a c t i o n     (  30  RELATED  PHRASES )                     

       The word "Act"  appears 7,646  times in the writings of Ellen White                 See page on Original website                                   The word "Acts" appears 3,264 times -- the word  "action" appears 5,869 times

         +    act for himself  ( 12 )    >   think and act for himself  ( 5 )

       +++    arbitrary act  (  )

         +    gracious act  ( 5 )   >   gracious action  ( 1 )

         +    Kind act  (  )   >   Kind acts  (  )    >   acts of  kindness  ( 35 )   (see  Acts of love )

         +    Selfish act  (  )   >   every selfish act     see favorites below

         +    wrong act  ( 60 )    >   one wrong  act  ( 14 )    >  every wrong act   ( see below )

                                        Act  of   .  .  .     ( appears  - -  times )                                          

                  +     Act of cruelty  (  )

                  +     act of injustice  (  )    >   unjust act  ( 5 )   >  unjust decision

                                                           ►    Unjust acts

                  ++   act of loyalty  ( 20 )    [ see every act ]
                  ++     act of mercy  ( 16 )   ++   every act of mercy  ( 8 )    ( see  acts of mercy )                                           
                  +     act of oppression  ( 9 )    >   acts of oppression  ( 5 )     ►            
                  +     Act of Value   ( 5 )  

                                             E v e r y    A c t                                                                                  

         +++     Every act of life   ( 62 )    >    every act of Christ's life  ( 4 )

         +++     Every act of loyalty  ( 13 )

            every act of mercy  (  )  broken link

         +     Every wrong act  (  )  

Many of the words and dealings of Jesus appear mysterious to finite minds; but all his purposes were clear to his divine understanding. His whole plan was mapped before him, perfect in all its details. Every act was calculated to produce its individual results. The history of the world from its creation to the end of time was fully known to Christ. Were the mind of man capable of understanding his dealings, every act of his earthly life would stand forth important, complete, and in harmony with his divine mission.  {2SP 285.2}


                                          A c t s                                                                                                                       

      +    acts of duty   ( 8 )     >   individual acts of duty  ( 8 )

      +    Acts of injustice  ( 20 )       [ see  Injustice ]

      +    acts of kindness  ( 35 )   >   acts of kindness and love  (  )
                                         +++    deeds of kindness  ( 58 )    >>>    little deeds of kindness  (  )

  It should be our aim to bring all the pleasantness possible into our lives, and to do all the kindness possible to those around us. Kind words are never lost. Jesus records them as if spoken to Himself. Sow the seeds of kindness, of love, and of tenderness, and they will blossom and bear fruit. { OHC 293.5} 

      +    Acts of mercy  ( 51 )   >

      +    Acts of self - denial   (  )   >

      +    Our acts  (  )

      +    Outward acts  ( 25 )     [ see favorite below ]

  How solemn is the thought!  Day after day, passing into eternity, bears its burden of records for the books of heaven. Words once spoken, deeds once done, can never be recalled. Angels have registered both the good and the evil. The mightiest conqueror upon the earth cannot call back the record of even a single day. Our acts, our words, even our most secret motives, all have their weight in deciding our destiny for weal or woe. Though they may be forgotten by us, they will bear their testimony to justify or condemn.  Great Controversy, page 486.3  Read entire chapter 28


                                A c t i o n           ( see  Separate  page  )                                                        

     +++    arbitrary action  ( 1 )    >   arbitrary course  (  )

      +    Arouse to action  (  )

      +    course of action  ( 1,454 )   >   wrong course of action  ( 137 )  >> ( constructing new page )

             +   wicked course of action    ( see favorites below )

      +    Decisive action  (  )    [ see Favorites ]

      +++   Every action  ( 365 )    >   Every action will come into judgment   (  )

      +    Energetic action  ( 9 )  

      +    Promptness of action  (  )   [ see Favorites ]

      +    unjust action  ( 4 )    >   unjust dealing(s)  ( 20 )   >  unjust decision  ( 4 )

      +    Deeds  (  )   >   Noble deeds  (  )

Those who occupy important positions, who are brought in contact with souls for whom Christ has died, should place upon men the estimate God has placed upon them, and regard them as precious. But many have treated the purchase of Christ’s blood in a harsh manner, in harmony with the disposition of men instead of according to the mind and spirit of Christ. Of his disciples Christ says, “All ye are brethren.” We should ever keep in mind the relation which we bear one to another, and remember that we must meet those with whom we associate here, around the judgment-seat of Christ. God will be the Judge, and he will deal justly with every individual. John says, “I saw the dead small and great stand before God, and the books were opened: and another book was opened which is the book of life, and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books according to their works.” Let every one who professes the name of Christ consider the fact that he must meet every act of injustice, give an account for every harsh word, at the judgment-seat of Christ. It will not be pleasant to review the words that have been spoken that have wounded and bruised souls, to review the decisions that have worked against souls for whom Christ died. Every action will come into judgment, and the spirit that prompted it will be made manifest. The fruit of every selfish, arbitrary action will be made plain, and men will see the results of their doings even as God sees them. They will see that they have turned precious souls out of the right path by dealing with them in an unchristlike manner. We are living in the great day of atonement, and it is now time that every one should repent before God, confess his sins, and by living faith, rest upon the merit of a crucified and living Saviour. { SpTA03 56.2 } 

        Actions     +    Right actions  (  )  see favorites 


                     My   personal   favorites

   The words, “Mine hour is not yet come,” point to the fact that every act of Christ’s life on earth was in fulfillment of the plan that had existed from the days of eternity. Before He came to earth, the plan lay out before Him, perfect in all its details. But as He walked among men, He was guided, step by step, by the Father’s will. He did not hesitate to act at the appointed time. With the same submission He waited until the time had come.  { DA 147.2 }



   Those who have pity for the unfortunate, the blind, the lame, the afflicted, the widows, the orphans, and the needy, Christ represents as commandment keepers, who shall have eternal life. . . . Christ regards all acts of mercy, benevolence, and thoughtful consideration for the unfortunate, the blind, the lame, the sick, the widow, and the orphan, as done to Himself; and these works are reserved in the heavenly records and will be rewarded. On the other hand, a record will be written in the book against those who manifest the indifference of the priest and the Levite to the unfortunate, and those who take any advantage of the misfortunes of others, and increase their affliction in order to selfishly advantage themselves. God will surely repay every act of injustice, and every manifestation of careless indifference to and neglect of the afflicted among us. Every one will finally be rewarded as his works have been.-- Testimonies, vol. 3, pp. 511-513.  {ChS 192.3}


   Every man's work passes in review before God and is registered for faithfulness or unfaithfulness. Opposite each name in the books of heaven is entered with terrible exactness every wrong word, every selfish act, every unfulfilled duty, and every secret sin, with every artful dissembling. Heaven-sent warnings or reproofs neglected, wasted moments, unimproved opportunities, the influence exerted for good or for evil, with its far-reaching results, all are chronicled by the recording angel.  Great Controversy, page 482.1   Read entire chapter 28
  The symmetrical structure of a strong, beautiful character is built up by individual acts of duty. And faithfulness should characterize our life in the least as well as in the greatest of its details. Integrity in little things, the performance of little acts of fidelity and little deeds of kindness, will gladden the path of life; and when our work on earth is ended, it will be found that every one of the little duties faithfully performed has exerted an influence for good,--an influence that can never perish.-- Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 574.  {ChS 264.2}


   I have been shown that the most signal victories and the most fearful defeats have been on the turn of minutes. God requires promptness of action. Delays, doubtings, hesitation, and indecision frequently give the enemy every advantage.... { GW92 97.3 } 
The timing of things may tell much in favor of truth. Victories are frequently lost through delays. There will be crises in this cause. Prompt and decisive action at the right time will gain glorious triumphs, while delay and neglect will result in great failures and positive dishonor to God. Rapid movements at the critical moment often disarm the enemy, and he is disappointed and vanquished, for he had expected time to lay plans and work by artifice. { GW92 97.4 } 


   In these final hours of probation for the sons of men, when the fate of every soul is so soon to be decided forever, the Lord of heaven and earth expects His church to arouse to action as never before. Those who have been made free in Christ through a knowledge of precious truth, are regarded by the Lord Jesus as His chosen ones, favored above all other people on the face of the earth; and He is counting on them to show forth the praises of Him who hath called them out of darkness into marvelous light. The blessings which are so liberally bestowed are to be communicated to others. The good news of salvation is to go to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people. { PK 716.2}   Read entire chapter 59


  A man who is honest before God will deal justly with his fellow men, whether or not it is for his own personal interest to do so. The outward acts are a fair transcript of the principles within. Many whom God called to His work have been tested and proved; and there are others whom He is now testing and proving. { LS 244.3} 


   It is Satan who tempts children to follow in a course of sin and disobedience.... If they refuse to walk in the light, if they refuse to submit their will and way to God, and persist in following a course of sin in their impenitence, the light and privileges they have had will rise up in judgment against them, because they did not walk in the light, and knew not whither they went. Satan is leading them, and they become a subject of remark in the world. People will say, “Why, look at those children! Their parents are very religious, but you see they are worse than my children, and I do not profess to be a Christian.” In this way children who receive good instruction and yet do not heed it cast a reproach upon their parents, dishonoring them, and putting them to shame before an ungodly world. They also bring a reproach upon the religion of Jesus Christ through their wicked course of action { CG 173.4} 


   All parts of the human machinery must have action. Healthy young men and young women have no need of gymnasium exercises; nor do they need croquet, cricket, ball playing, or any kind of amusement just for the gratification of self, to pass away time. There are useful things to be done by every one of God's created intelligences. Someone needs from you something that will help him. Not one in the lord's great domain of creation was made to be a drone. Study the Lord's plan in regard to Adam, who was created pure, holy, and healthy. Adam was given something to do. He was to use the organs God had given him. He could not have been idle. His brain must work, not in a mechanical way, like a mere machine. At all times the machinery of the body continues its work; the heart throbs, doing its regular, appointed task, like a steam engine forcing its crimson current unceasingly to all parts of the body. Action, action is seen pervading the whole living machinery. Each organ must do its appointed work. If physical inaction is continued, there will be less and less activity of the brain.  {4MR 188.2}




                   Numbers shown in ( ) is the  ( number of texts )  containing this phrase

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