History (Separate page)

      Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the word . . .

                 H i s t o r y            (  29  RELATED  PHRASES  )                                

                The  word  History  appears  8xx  times in the writings of Ellen G. White        See page on original site 

           +      History of Achan    (  )     

           +      History of David   ( 5 )   >  History of King David

           +      History of Israel   ( see below )

           +      History of the past ( 69 )   >  forget the history of the past  (  )

           +     History of the Truth   (  )

           +     History repeats  ( 5 )   >   History will be repeated   ( 7 )    >    History will be reenacted  ( 1 )

           +     records of history  ( 9 )   >

           +     Study of history  (  )

The Lord has declared that the history of the past shall be rehearsed as we enter upon the closing work. Every truth that He has given for these last days is to be proclaimed to the world. Every pillar that He has established is to be strengthened. We cannot now step off the foundation that God has established. We cannot now enter into any new organization; for this would mean apostasy from the truth.—Manuscript 129, 1905. { 2SM 390.1} 


            E a r t h's     H i s t o r y            

           +     Earth's History    (  )     >   the closing period of Earth's history  ( 9 )   ( see favorites )
                                                   >    the closing scenes of Earth's history  ( 15 )

                          ►  the end of earth's history  ( 11 )    >   Near the end of earth's history  ( 4 )
                                 >  the close of earth's history  (  )   +++
   near the close of earth's history  ( 14 )   

               History of the World  (  )

                    +    the world's history   ( 79 )   >    last days of the world's history   ►   this world's history   (  )

                    +    history of the flood  (  )

           +     human history  ( 34 )    >   annals of human history  (  )

  Science and history cannot of themselves make men wise unto salvation; but through the aid of the Holy Spirit, which, in answer to prayer, will be given to guide into all truth, science and history may be made use of as a clear, definite light, blending with that of the written, inspired word. There are lessons to be learned from the history of the past; and attention is called to these, that all may understand that God works on the same lines now that He ever has done. His hand is seen in His work and among the nations now, just the same as it has been ever since the gospel was first proclaimed to Adam in Eden.  {BEcho, August 26, 1895 par. 10}


                     the   History   of   Israel

           +++        History of Ancient Israel  ( 14 )     

           +       History of the Children of Isreal  ( 39 )      

           +       History of the Jewish nation    ( 9 )     >   History of the Jewish people  ( 1 )

           +       History of God's people  (  )   >

           +       Israel's History  (  )  

           +       History of the patriarchs  (  )

           +       History of the patriarchs  (  )

           +       History of the Prophets    (  )

                                    C h u r c h     H i s t o r y                                                      

           +       History of the Church  (  )   >   history of the early church  ( 15 )

           +       History of our work   Key    

                Pioneer History (1)   >   History of our Pioneers (0) 

           +      History of Christianity  (  )   >

           +      History of Romanism     

  "In reviewing our past history, having traveled over every step of advance to our present standing, I can say, Praise God! As I see what the Lord has wrought, I am filled with astonishment, and with confidence in Christ as leader. We have nothing to fear for the future, except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us, and His teaching in our past history."  { CCh 359.4} 


                           S a c r e d    h i s t o r y                    

           +     sacred history  (  )     ►    Pages  of  sacred  History   (  )

       +++    Bible history  ( 119 )    >>>    Lessons of Bible history  (  )

           +      Inspired history  (  )

  Let us look at some of the examples found in sacred history. Assisted by his sons, Aaron had offered the sacrifices that God required; and he lifted up his hands and blessed the people. All had been done as God commanded, and he accepted the sacrifice, and revealed his glory in a most remarkable manner; for fire came from the Lord, and consumed the offering upon the altar. The people looked upon this wonderful manifestation of divine power with awe and intense interest. They saw in it a token of his glory and his favor, and they raised a universal shout of praise and adoration, and fell on their faces, as if in the immediate presence of Jehovah.  { ST July 17, 1884, par. 8 }


         Last  Day  Events

There is a study of history that is not to be condemned. Sacred history was one of the studies in the schools of the prophets. In the record of His dealings with the nations were traced the footsteps of Jehovah. So today we are to consider the dealings of God with the nations of the earth.  We are to see in history the fulfillment of prophecy, to study the workings of Providence in the great reformatory movements, and to understand the progress of events in the marshalling of the nations for the final conflict of the great controversy.  { 8T 307.2}  { LDE 15.2 }


             My  personal  favorites

The prophecies which the great I AM has given in His word, uniting link after link in the chain of events, from eternity in the past to eternity in the future, tell us where we are today in the procession of the ages and what may be expected in the time to come. All that prophecy has foretold as coming to pass, until the present time, has been traced on the pages of history, and we may be assured that all which is yet to come will be fulfilled in its order.  Prophets and Kings, page 536.3  Read entire Chapter 43


Near the close of this earth's history Satan will work with all his powers in the same manner and with the same temptations wherewith he tempted ancient Israel just before their entering the Land of Promise. He will lay snares for those who claim to keep the commandments of God, and who are almost on the borders of the heavenly Canaan. He will use his powers to their utmost in order to entrap souls and to take God's professed people upon their weakest points. Those who have not brought the lower passions into subjection to the higher powers of their being, those who have allowed their minds to flow in a channel of carnal indulgence of the baser passions, Satan is determined to destroy with his temptations -- to pollute their souls with licentiousness. He is not aiming especially at the lower and less important marks, but he makes use of his snares through those whom he can enlist as his agents to allure or attract men to take liberties which are condemned in the law of God. And men in responsible positions, teaching the claims of God's law, whose mouths are filled with arguments in vindication of His law, against which Satan has made such a raid -- over such he sets his hellish powers and his agencies at work and overthrows them upon the weak points in their character, knowing that he who offends on one point is guilty of all, thus obtaining complete mastery over the entire man. Mind, soul, body, and conscience are involved in the ruin. If he be a messenger of righteousness and has had great light, or if the Lord has used him as His special worker in the cause of truth, then how great is the triumph of Satan!  How he exults! How God is dishonored!  {AH 327.1}
As in the days of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, so in the closing period of earth’s history the Lord will work mightily in behalf of those who stand steadfastly for the right. He who walked with the Hebrew worthies in the fiery furnace will be with His followers wherever they are. His abiding presence will comfort and sustain. In the midst of the time of trouble—trouble such as has not been since there was a nation—His chosen ones will stand unmoved. Satan with all the hosts of evil cannot destroy the weakest of God’s saints. Angels that excel in strength will protect them, and in their behalf Jehovah will reveal Himself as a “God of gods,” able to save to the uttermost those who have put their trust in Him. { PK 513.1} 
Such a condition never exists without cause in the church itself. The spiritual darkness which falls upon nations, upon churches and individuals, is due, not to an arbitrary withdrawal of the succors of divine grace on the part of God, but to neglect or rejection of divine light on the part of men. A striking illustration of this truth is presented in the history of the Jewish people in the time of Christ. By their devotion to the world and forgetfulness of God and His word, their understanding had become darkened, their hearts earthly and sensual. Thus they were in ignorance concerning Messiah's advent, and in their pride and unbelief they rejected the Redeemer. God did not even then cut off the Jewish nation from a knowledge of, or a participation in, the blessings of salvation. But those who rejected the truth lost all desire for the gift of Heaven. They had "put darkness for light, and light for darkness," until the light which was in them became darkness; and how great was that darkness!   Great Controversy, page 377.3
Many of the words and dealings of Jesus appear mysterious to finite minds; but all his purposes were clear to his divine understanding. His whole plan was mapped before him, perfect in all its details. Every act was calculated to produce its individual results. The history of the world from its creation to the end of time was fully known to Christ. Were the mind of man capable of understanding his dealings, every act of his earthly life would stand forth important, complete, and in harmony with his divine mission.  {2SP 285.2}



         Numbers shown in ( ) is the ( number of texts )  containing this phrase

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