Sphere of influence (19)

     Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .

           s p h e r e    o f    i n f l u e n c e              (  4  RELATED  PHRASES  )   

     The  phrase  'Sphere of influence'  appears  19  times in the writings of EGW         page not on Original site         Related phrase:    our sphere of influence  ( below )  - -  sphere of our influence  ( 44 ) 

  Words of Love— Our duty is to live in the atmosphere of Christ’s love, to breathe His love deeply, and to reflect its warmth around us. Oh, what a sphere of influence is open before us! How carefully we should cultivate the garden of the soul, so that it may bring forth only pure, sweet, fragrant flowers! Words of love, tenderness, and charity sanctify our influence over others.— Our High Calling, 175. { VSS 50.2} 



  More and more, as time advances, our people will have to leave the cities. For years we have been instructed that our brethren and sisters, and especially families with children, should plan to leave the cities as the way opens before them to do so. Many will have to labor earnestly to help open the way. But until it is possible for them to leave, so long as they remain, they should be most active in doing missionary work, however limited their sphere of influence may be.— Selected Messages 2:360 (1906). { LDE 118.5} 

  More and more, as time advances, our people will have to leave the cities. For years we have been instructed that our brethren and sisters, and especially families with children, should plan to leave the cities as the way opens before them to do so. Many will have to labor earnestly to help open the way. But until it is possible for them to leave, so long as they remain, they should be most active in doing missionary work, however limited their sphere of influence may be.— Review and Herald, September 27, 1906. { CL 24.4} 


  More and more, as time advances, our people will have to leave the cities. For years we have been instructed that our brethren and sisters, and especially families with children, should plan to leave the cities as the way opens before them to do so. Many will have to labor earnestly to help open the way. But until it is possible for them to leave, so long as they remain, they should be most active in doing missionary work, however limited their sphere of influence may be.— Review and Herald, September 27, 1906. { 2SM 360.3} 
  More and more, as time advances, our people will have to leave the cities. For years we have been instructed that our brethren and sisters, and especially families with children, should plan to leave the cities as the way opens before them to do so. Many will have to labor earnestly to help open the way. But until it is possible for them to leave, so long as they remain, they should be most active in doing missionary work, however limited their sphere of influence may be. As they yield their talents and their all to God to be used as he may direct; as they live out their consecration by engaging in practical missionary work wherever opportunity affords, God will bless them with wisdom and discretion, and in his own way and time he will make it possible for them to place themselves where they will not be surrounded constantly with the contaminating influences of modern city life. { RH September 27, 1906, par. 23 }


  Let none venture to speak lightly of the cautions given by those whose duty it is to guard their moral and spiritual welfare. The words may seem to be of little consequence, producing only a momentary impression on the minds of the hearers. But this is not all. In many cases these words find a response in the unsanctified hearts of youth who have never submitted to caution or restraint. The influence of a thoughtless word may affect a soul’s eternal destiny. Every person is exerting an influence upon the lives of others. We must be either as a light to brighten and cheer their path, or as a desolating tempest to destroy. We are either leading our associates upward to happiness and immortal life, or downward to sorrow and eternal ruin. No man will perish alone in his iniquity. However contracted may be one’s sphere of influence, it is exerted either for good or for evil. One man upon his deathbed exclaimed: “Gather up my influence, and bury it with me.” Could this be done? No, no; like the thistle seed it had been borne everywhere and had taken root and would yield an abundant harvest. { 4T 654.2} 

  The influence of a thoughtless word may affect a soul’s eternal destiny. Every person is exerting an influence upon the lives of others. We must either be as a light to brighten and cheer their path, or as a desolating tempest to destroy. We are either leading our associates upward to happiness and immortal life, or downward to sorrow and eternal ruin. No man will perish alone in his iniquity. However contracted may be one’s sphere of influence, it is exerted either for good or for evil.—Testimonies for the Church 4:654. { PH048 6.3 } 


 The great apostle exclaims, “Who is sufficient for these things?” But many, whose sphere of influence seems narrow and weak, their abilities limited, their opportunities few, their knowledge not extended, their influence small, may, if they will let the peace of God rule in their hearts, do as much good, and more, than those who have efficiency, especially if they trust to their efficiency. “It is not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord of Hosts.” The strength and talents belong to God, and who can estimate the great work that may be done in the sowing of the gospel seed? It will be as the morsel of leaven hidden in the meal. { HM July 1, 1897, Art. B, par. 19 }

  There are many whose sphere of influence seems narrow; their abilities are limited, their opportunities are few, their knowledge is small; yet if they will let the peace of God rule in their hearts, they may do more than those who have naturally greater capabilities, but who trust to their own efficiency. It is “not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord of Hosts.” The strength and talents belong to God; and who can estimate the great work that may be done in the sowing of the gospel seed? It will be as the morsel of leaven hidden in the meal. { RH September 21, 1897, par. 15 }


  God would have us ever refuse to plead against the truth. His frown is upon all that is false or unfair. This should be the position of everyone who stands to minister in the service of his Master. For if one to whom God has entrusted holy responsibilities allows envy, evil surmising, prejudice, and jealousies to find place in the heart, he is guilty of breaking the law of God. And his words, his ideas, and his errors will extend just as far as his sphere of influence extends. { 11MR 83.1 } 


  God would have us ever refuse to plead against the truth. His frown is upon all that is false and unfair. This should be the position of every one who stands to minister in the service of their Master. For if one to whom God has entrusted holy responsibilities allows envy, evil surmising, prejudice, and jealousies to find place in the heart, he is guilty of breaking the law of God. And his words, his ideas, and his errors will extend just as far as his sphere of influence extends. God says to every man to whom He entrusts responsibilities, “Put not your trust in man, neither make flesh your arm.” Look to God. Trust in his infallible wisdom. Regard as a sin, the practice so common, even among Seventh-day Adventists, of becoming the echo of any man, however lofty his position. Listen to the voice of the great Shepherd, and you will never be led astray. Search the Scriptures for yourself, and be braced for duty and for trial by the truth of God’s word. Let no friendship, no influence, no entreaty let not the smiles, the confidence, or the rewards of any man, induce you to swerve from the path in which the Lord would lead you. Let Christlike integrity and consistency control the actions of your life. The man who sits most at the feet of Jesus, and is taught by the Saviour’s spirit, will be ready to cry out, “I am weak and unworthy, But Christ is my strength and my righteousness.” { PC 53.2 } 




         o u r    s p h e r e    o f    i n f l u e n c e                                  

               The  phrase  'our sphere of influence'  appears  xx  times in the published writings of EGW                     

  Our time here is short. We pass through this world but once. Let us make the most of life. The work to which we are called does not require wealth or social position or great ability. It requires a kindly, self-sacrificing spirit and a steadfast purpose. A lamp, however small, if kept burning steadily, may be the means of lighting many other lamps. Our sphere of influence may seem narrow, our ability small, our opportunities few, our acquirements limited, yet wonderful possibilities are ours through a faithful use of the opportunities of our own homes. If we will open our hearts and homes to the divine principles of life, we shall become channels for currents of life-giving power. From our homes will flow streams of healing, bringing life and beauty and fruitfulness where now are barrenness and dearth. { MHH 200.2 } 


  Our time here is short. We can pass through this world but once; as we pass along, let us make the most of life. The work to which we are called does not require wealth or social position or great ability. It requires a kindly, self-sacrificing spirit and a steadfast purpose. A lamp, however small, if kept steadily burning, may be the means of lighting many other lamps. Our sphere of influence may seem narrow, our ability small, our opportunities few, our acquirements limited; yet wonderful possibilities are ours through a faithful use of the opportunities of our own homes. If we will open our hearts and homes to the divine principles of life, we shall become channels for currents of life-giving power. From our homes will flow streams of healing, bringing life, and beauty, and fruitfulness where now are barrenness and dearth.  { AH 32.5} 


  Our sphere of influence may seem narrow, our ability small, our opportunities few, our acquirements limited; yet wonderful possibilities are ours through a faithful use of the opportunities of our own homes. If we will open our hearts and homes to the divine principles of life, we shall become channels for currents of life-giving power. From our homes will flow streams of healing, bringing life, and beauty, and fruitfulness where now are barrenness and dearth.—The Ministry of Healing, 355. { ChS 209.1} 


  Our time here is short. We can pass through this world but once; as we pass along, let us make the most of life. The work to which we are called does not require wealth or social position or great ability. It requires a kindly, self-sacrificing spirit and a steadfast purpose. A lamp, however small, if kept steadily burning, may be the means of lighting many other lamps. Our sphere of influence may seem narrow, our ability small, our opportunities few, our acquirements limited; yet wonderful possibilities are ours through a faithful use of the opportunities of our own homes. If we will open our hearts and homes to the divine principles of life we shall become channels for currents of life-giving power. From our homes will flow streams of healing, bringing life and beauty and fruitfulness where now are barrenness and dearth. { MH 355.1} 


  A lamp, however small, if kept steadily burning, may be the means of lighting many other lamps. Our sphere of influence may seem narrow, ... yet wonderful possibilities are ours through a faithful use of the opportunities of our own homes. If we will open our hearts and homes to the divine principles of life we shall become channels for currents of life-giving power. From our homes will flow streams of healing, bringing life and beauty and fruitfulness where now are barrenness and dearth. { FLB 278.5} 

  A lamp, however small, if kept steadily burning, may be the means of lighting many other lamps. Our sphere of influence may seem narrow, our ability small, our opportunities few, our acquirements limited; yet wonderful possibilities are ours through a faithful use of the opportunities of our own homes. If we will open our hearts and home to the divine principles of life, we shall become channels for currents of life-giving power. From our homes will flow streams of healing, bringing life, and beauty, and fruitfulness. { ML 124.5 } 






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