Highest value (286)

  Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .

               h i g h e s t    v a l u e               (  3  RELATED  PHRASES )                      

    The  phrase  'highest value'  appears  286  times in the writings of EGW               page NOT on Original site                Related Phrase:     lessons of highest value  ( below )   - -   experience of highest value  (  )

        The Bible is of the highest value because it is the word of the living God. Of all the books in the world it is the most deserving of study and attention, for it is eternal wisdom. The Bible is a history that tells us of the creation of the world and opens to us past centuries. Without it we should have been left to conjecture and fable in regard to the occurrences of the remote past. It reveals to us the Creator of the heavens and the earth, with the universe that He has brought into being, and it sheds a glorious light over the world to come. { CT 421.1} also  { SpTEd 52.1 } 


  The lessons of Christ, setting forth meekness and humility and love as essential to growth in grace and a fitness for His work, were of the highest value to John. He treasured every lesson and constantly sought to bring his life into harmony with the divine pattern. John had begun to discern the glory of Christ — not the worldly pomp and power for which he had been taught to hope, but “the glory as of the Only Begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.” John 1:14. { AA 544.1} 


  The most tender regard should be cherished for those whose life interest has been bound up with the work of God. These aged workers have stood faithful amid storm and trial. They may have infirmities, but they still possess talents that qualify them to stand in their place in God’s cause. Though worn, and unable to bear the heavier burdens that younger men can and should carry, the counsel they can give is of the highest value. { AA 573.1} 


  The character of the work done in our church schools should be of the very highest order. Jesus Christ, the Restorer, is the only remedy for a wrong education, and the lessons taught in His word should ever be kept before the youth in the most attractive form. The school discipline should supplement the home training, and both at home and at school simplicity and godliness should be maintained. Men and women will be found who have talent to work in these small schools, but who cannot work to advantage in the larger ones. As they practice the Bible lessons, they will themselves receive an education of the highest value. { CT 174.2} 


  The reason that so grave mistakes are made by the youth is that they do not learn from the experience of those who have lived longer than they have. Students cannot afford to pass off with jest or ridicule the cautions and instruction of parents and teachers. They should cherish every lesson, realizing at the same time their need of deeper teaching than any human being can give. When Christ abides in the heart by faith, His Spirit becomes a power to purify and vivify the soul. Truth in the heart cannot fail of having a correcting influence upon the life. Let both teachers and students hold the truth of God as a treasure of the highest value, which must not be dimmed or tarnished by practices that are out of harmony with its holy character. { CT 223.2} 


  The Lord requires our teachers to put away from our schools those books teaching sentiments which are not in accordance with His word, and to give place to those books that are of the highest value. He will be honored when they show to the world that a wisdom more than human is theirs, because the Master Teacher is standing as their instructor. { CT 389.2} 


  Every morning dedicate yourself, soul, body, and spirit, to God. Establish habits of devotion and trust more and more in your Saviour. You may believe with all confidence that the Lord Jesus loves you and wishes you to grow up to His stature of character. He wishes you to grow in His love, to increase and strengthen in all the fullness of divine love. Then you will gain a knowledge of the highest value for time and for eternity.— Letter 36, 1901 ( In Heavenly Places, 227.) { 1MCP 15.3} 


Science of Reading of Highest Value — The science of reading correctly and with the proper emphasis is of highest value. No matter how much knowledge you may have acquired in other lines, if you have neglected to cultivate your voice and manner of speech so that you can speak and read distinctly and intelligently, all your learning will be of but little profit; for without voice culture you cannot communicate readily and clearly that which you have learned.—MS 131, 1902. ( Evangelism, 666.) { 2MCP 581.3 } 


  The advice that was given to Moses when he was overburdened with cares and perplexities [Exodus 18:17-23.] is of highest value today to those who are in positions of responsibility in God’s cause. The counsel given him should be carefully studied by those entrusted with the management of the work in the Lord’s vineyard.—Manuscript 140, 1902. { PM 257.4} 


  At the Fernando school [in southern California] the teachers have recently led out in reviving an interest in the sale of Christ’s Object Lessons. Bands of students, after prayerful study of the book, have visited Los Angeles in company with their teachers and have gained a sound, solid experience which they prize above silver and gold. This kind of work is, in fact, one of the means God has ordained for giving our youth a missionary training; and those who neglect to improve such opportunities lose out of their lives a chapter of experience of the highest value. By entering heartily into this work, students can learn how to approach with tact and discretion men and women in all walks of life, how to deal with them courteously, and how to lead them to give favorable consideration to the truths contained in the books that are sold. { PM 289.3}


  You must not work beyond your strength. I suppose that in the future our experience will be varied; but I think that you and I in growing old in the service of Christ, in doing His will, are obtaining an experience of the highest value and most intense interest. { 2SM 229.4} 


  All those professing to be shepherds, who feel that to minister in word and doctrine, and bear the burdens, and have the care which every faithful shepherd should have is a disagreeable task, are reproved by faithful Paul, “Not by constraint, but willingly, not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind.” All such unfaithful shepherds, the chief Shepherd would willingly release. The church of God is purchased with the blood of Christ, and every shepherd should realize that the sheep under their care cost a priceless sum. They should be diligent in their labor, and persevering in their efforts to keep the flock in a healthy, flourishing condition. They should consider the sheep intrusted to their care of the highest value, and realize that they will be called to render a strict account of their ministry. And if they are found faithful they will receive a rich reward. “And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away.” { 3SG 125.1 } 


  Is it not of the highest value to have the power to discern between righteousness and unrighteousness, between truth and error? Would that every man who claims to be doing God service would now realize his responsibility, and maintain that sanctified dignity conferred upon us, by our being chosen as God’s representatives in this evil, selfish generation. { SpTA12 3.1 }  also  { SpTB07 25.3 } 


          l e s s o n s    o f    h i g h e s t     v a l u e           

                  Related Phrase:   Lesson of the highest value  ( original site ) 

    The letter to the Colossians is filled with lessons of highest value to all who are engaged in the service of Christ, lessons that show the singleness of purpose and the loftiness of aim which will be seen in the life of him who rightly represents the Saviour. Renouncing all that would hinder him from making progress in the upward way or that would turn the feet of another from the narrow path, the believer will reveal in his daily life mercy, kindness, humility, meekness, forbearance, and the love of Christ. { AA 477.2} 


  Jesus loves you, and I am made glad as I read of the experience through which you are passing, not because you are a sufferer, but because this is an evidence to me that the Lord Jesus is testing and proving you, to see if you will come to Him, to see if you will put your trust in Him and find peace and rest in His love. I am praying for you, that you may come to Him, the Fountain of living water. This is the experience that every one of us must have if we ever dwell with Christ in the mansions that He has gone to prepare for us. You have lessons of the highest value to learn in the school of Christ, lessons that will lead you to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. { 8T 124.1} 


  The letter to the Colossians is filled with lessons of highest value to all who are engaged in the service of Christ, lessons that show the singleness of purpose and the loftiness of aim which will be seen in the life of him who rightly represents the Saviour. Renouncing all that would hinder him from making progress in the upward way or that would turn the feet of another from the narrow path, the believer will reveal in his daily life mercy, kindness, humility, meekness, forbearance, and the love of Christ.... { LHU 264.3} 


As the boats and trains brought in the delegations from the different churches, there were about twice as many as had been expected, and it was plain that the plans must be enlarged. A reception tent was proposed, and a dining tent was much needed. To have a large number of our people obliged to go up town for their meals, would break into our program, waste precious time, and bring in a hap-hazard state of things that should be avoided. It was presented to the committee, that although a restaurant in the camp would not pay expenses, it ought to be established, for its educating influence. We felt that there were lessons of the highest value as to unity of action, regularity, and the best methods of conducting camp-meetings, that would be lost if our people were not supplied upon the camp-ground, with wholesome food, prepared upon hygienic principles. { RH June 6, 1893, par. 7 }


  I have been instructed that at our large gatherings, workers should be present who will teach our people how to sow the seeds of truth. This means more than instructing them how to sell the Signs of the Times and other periodicals. It includes thorough instruction in how to handle such books as “Christ’s Object Lessons” and “Ministry of Healing.” These are books which contain precious truths, and from which the reader can draw lessons of highest value. { RH September 3, 1908, par. 7 }


   In these lessons direct from nature there is a simplicity and purity that makes them of the highest value. All need the teaching to be derived from this source. In itself the beauty of nature leads the soul away from sin and worldly attractions and toward purity, peace, and God. Too often the minds of students are occupied with men’s theories and speculations, falsely called science and philosophy. They need to be brought into close contact with nature. Let them learn that creation and Christianity have one God. Let them be taught to see the harmony of the natural with the spiritual. Let everything which their eyes see or their hands handle be made a lesson in character building. Thus the mental powers will be strengthened, the character developed, the whole life ennobled. { CH 164.3} 


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