Correct wrongs (16)

     Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .

               c o r r e c t    w r o n g s              (  4  RELATED  PHRASES  )                      

               The  phrase  'correct wrongs'  appears  16  times in the published writings of EGW                       See page on Original site                                     Related Phrase:   correct wrong  (  )  - -  search out wrongs  ( 2 )

  The spirit that instigates accusation and condemnation in the church which results in uprooting those that are looked upon as evil-doers, has manifested itself in seeking to correct wrongs through the civil power.  This is Satan's own method for bringing the world under his dominion; but the Lord Jesus Christ has given us no such example for thus dealing with the erring. God has been misrepresented through the church by this very way of dealing with heretics; he has been represented as the one who empowered the church to do these wicked things.  {RH, January 10, 1893 par. 8}

    “You have injured the cause of God; your willful course has wounded the hearts of God’s people. Your influence encourages a slack state of things in the church. You should bear a living, pointed testimony. Stand out of the way of the work of God, step not in between God and His people. You have too long wrapped up the sharp testimony, and stood opposed to the severe censure which God lays upon individual wrongs. God is correcting, and proving, and purifying His people. Stand out of the way that His work be not hindered. He will not accept a smooth testimony. Ministers must cry aloud, and spare not. The Lord has given you a powerful testimony, calculated to strengthen the church and arouse unbelievers. But these things wherein you lack must be corrected, or your testimony will become powerless, and your influence injure the cause of God. The people look to you for an example. Do not mislead them. Let your influence be to correct wrongs in your family and in the church.” { 1T 215.2} 


  The benefits of hearty co-operation extend beyond physicians and teachers, students and sanitarium helpers. When a sanitarium is built near a school, those in charge of the educational institution have a grand opportunity of setting a right example before those who all through life have been easygoing idlers and who have come to the sanitarium for treatment. The patients will see the contrast between their idle, self-indulgent lives and the lives of self-denial and service lived by Christ’s followers. They will learn that the object of medical missionary work is to restore, to correct wrongs, to show human beings how to avoid the self-indulgence that brings disease and death. { CT 521.2} 


  Let none entertain the thought that I regret or take back any plain testimony I have borne to individuals or to the people. If I have erred anywhere, it is in not rebuking sin more decidedly and firmly. Some of the brethren have taken the responsibility of criticizing my work and proposing an easier way to correct wrongs. To these persons I would say: I take God’s way and not yours. What I have said or written in testimony or reproof has not been too plainly expressed. { 5T 19.1}  also appears.. { 5T 677.2} 
  Let none entertain the thought that I regret or take back any plain testimony I have borne to individuals or to the people. If I have erred anywhere, it is in not rebuking sin more decidedly and firmly. Some of the brethren have taken the responsibility of criticizing my work and proposing an easier way to correct wrongs. To these persons I would say: I take God’s way and not yours. What I have said or written in testimony or reproof has not been too plainly expressed. God has given me my work, and I must meet it at the judgment.... { 3BIO 184.5 } 


  The benefits of hearty co-operation extend beyond physicians and teachers, students and sanitarium helpers. When a sanitarium is built near a school, those in charge of the educational institution have a grand opportunity of setting a right example before those who all through life have been easy-going idlers, and who have come to the sanitarium for treatment. The patients will see the contrast between the idle, self-indulgent lives that they have lived, and the lives of self-denial and service lived by Christ’s followers. They will learn that the object of medical missionary work is to restore, to correct wrongs, to show human beings how to avoid the self-indulgence that brings disease and death. { MMis May 1, 1906, par. 8 }


  When the Jews were restored to their native land after the Babylonish captivity, they found themselves in a deplorable state of insecurity and discouragement. The walls of Jerusalem were broken down. The favor of God, their blessing and defense, had been removed because of their transgressions; and there were continual rumors of threatened invasion by their enemies. At this time God raised up a deliverer for his people in the person of Nehemiah, who was also a religious reformer to restore the worship of the true God and correct wrongs among the people. On account of his courage and fidelity, he was chosen of God to do this great work. Nehemiah prayed much, and trusted in God to help him; yet he was a man of wise forethought and resolute action, and he neglected no precaution that could tend to the success of the enterprise he had undertaken. { RH March 11, 1884, par. 1 }


  No institution that God has established can afford to be unjust or unfair in any of its business transactions, either with brethren or worldlings. In no case should advantage be taken with the excuse that it is justifiable and right because the means gained will enrich the cause of God; for he will never approve injustice. The Bible rule, “Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them,” should never be lost sight of in deal. Men in responsible positions should correct wrongs among the people, but they should not practice a wrong course themselves. { RH March 11, 1884, par. 11 }


  Into this important work of child training, we must bring all the sweetness of a subdued, tender disposition. We can not afford to wound the tender hearts of the little ones by undue harshness. They have a keen sense of justice, and their feelings naturally rise in rebellion if they are unnecessarily scolded or blamed. Draw them to Christ by the tender cords of love. It will be necessary to correct wrongs, and at times even to administer punishment, but this may be done in such a manner as will attract them, and not repel them. { RH August 29, 1907, par. 10 }


  Aaron failing to stand up boldly for the right, his yielding to the strength of numbers, placed him with the majority. Aaron represents the cases of a large number composing our churches at the present day. They pass over sins existing in the church which grieve the spirit of God. They are lax where order and principle are involved, because it is not pleasant to reprove and correct wrongs. They are themselves carried along with the current, and become responsible for a fearful neglect of faithfulness. { ST May 27, 1880, par. 4 }


  The benefits of hearty co-operation extend beyond physicians and teachers, students and sanitarium helpers. When a sanitarium is built near a school, those in charge of the educational institution have a grand opportunity of setting a right example before those who all through life have been easy-going idlers, and who have come to the sanitarium for treatment. The patients will see the contrast between the idle, self-indulgent life that they have lived, and the life of self-denial and service lived by Christ’s followers. They will learn that the object of medical missionary work is to restore, to correct wrongs, to show human beings how to avoid the self-indulgence that brings disease and death. { SpTB11 14.1 } 


  When the Testimonies came, “they made of no account the words of reproof given to them. By precept and example they were filled with their own doings, and counteracted the work to be done. They would not concede to right; they would not consent to correct wrongs, and to walk in the light. Self, self, self, was their center. No unity was seen, but disorder and dissension was manifested.” { PH146 18.1 } 


  There will be those who will accept their misrepresentations, who will drink in of their spirit, who will not only imperil the souls of those to whom God has in mercy sent messages of warning, but by representing them as innocent, abused, mistreated, they will make naught of the counsels of God, giving unsanctifying sympathy to those who were wholly undeserving of it, all because they put confidence in erring mortals more than in God and the working of His Spirit through His appointed agencies who correct wrongs and errors in His people. They put out their own eyes, and cannot discern the workings of the enemy any more than they could discern the workings of the Spirit of God to set things in order. They make impressions upon other minds that have not a knowledge of the real workings of evil or the positive workings of the Spirit of God. Therefore, they call good evil, and evil good. { 18MR 327.1 } 


  I have been shown that there are decided advantages to be gained by having our schools located near our sanitariums, that the students may receive the benefits of the instruction given to the nurses, and may witness the results of faithful work done for those who need help and counsel. The benefits of hearty co-operation extend beyond physicians and teachers, students and sanitarium helpers. When a sanitarium is built near a school, those in charge of the educational institution have a grand opportunity of setting a right example before those who all through their life have been easy-going idlers, and who have come to the sanitarium for treatment. The patient will see the contrast between the idle self-indulgent lives that they have lived, and the lives of self-denial and service lived by Christ’s followers. They will learn that the object of medical missionary work is to restore, to correct wrongs, to show human beings how to avoid the self-indulgence that brings disease and death. { KC 29.7 } 


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