Minister (5,022)

    Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the word . . .

                m i n i s t e r                  (  12  RELATED  PHRASES )                           

                       The  word  'minister'  appears  5,022  times in the published writings of EGW             page not on Original site                                   The word  'ministers'  appears  7,565  times in the published writings of EGW                  Related phrase:   Unconsecrated minister  ( 8 )



        minister of the gospel     


          who  Minister  in  sacred  things   ( 20 )

  Satan's special efforts are now directed toward the people who have great light. He would lead them to become earthly and sensual. There are men who minister in sacred things whose hearts are defiled with impure thoughts and unholy desires. Married men who have children are not satisfied. They place themselves where they invite temptation. They take liberties that should only be taken with their lawful wives. Thus they fall under the rebuke of God, and in the books of heaven "adultery" is written opposite their names.  {TSB 192.2}





       unfaithful  minister   - -   unfaithful  ministers             

  Those who are vain and self-important, who are given to trifling and jesting, cast reproach on the cause of God; for our faith and principles are judged by their course of action. The errors and mistakes of the unfaithful minister are charged to the whole body. Then let him that ministers in sacred things be careful to start right. Let him have a character as free from imperfections as possible, and let him walk quietly in the path of rectitude, mastering every passion and habit that will in any way mar the work of God or leave a spot upon its sacredness. It is the work of the minister to resist the temptations that lie in his pathway, and to rise superior to those debasements that give the mind a low level.  {RH, November 4, 1884 par. 6}




















              M i n i s t e r s                   (  5  RELATED  PHRASES )                      

                   The  word  'Ministers'  appears  7,565  times in the published writings of EGW                    page not  on Original site                                                   Related phrase:     ministers of evil  ( 2 )  - -  ministers of the gospel  ( 275 )  - -   unconsecrated ministers  ( 11 )  - -  unfaithful ministers  (  )


          Ministers  of  the  gospel

God calls upon the ministers of the gospel not to seek to stretch themselves beyond their measure by bringing forward artificial embellishments, striving for the praise and applause of men, being ambitious for a vain show of intellect and eloquence. Let the minister's ambition be carefully to search the Bible, that they may know as much as possible of God and of Jesus Christ, whom He has sent. The more clearly ministers discern Christ, and catch His spirit, the more forcibly will they preach the simple truth of which Christ is the center.-- Review and Herald, March 24, 1896.  {Ev 181.3}


      Ministers  of  



        Ministers   of   evil

 "Satan's special temptations are directed against the ministry. He knows that ministers are but human, possessing no grace or holiness of their own; that the treasures of the gospel have been placed in earthen vessels, which divine power alone can make vessels unto honor. He knows that God has ordained ministers to be a powerful means for the salvation of souls, and that they can be successful in their work only as they allow the eternal Father to rule their lives. Therefore he tries with all his ingenuity to lead them into sin, knowing that their office makes sin in them more exceeding sinful; for in committing sin, they make themselves ministers of evil."   Gospel Workers, page 124.2


        unconsecrated   ministers             

  Those who have not a living connection with God, are actuated by a desire to exalt self. It is this desire which has opened the way for an irreligious influence to bear sway among us. Many have not pure, noble conceptions of truth and duty. Worldly customs and practices are introduced because the hearts of unconsecrated ministers and church-members still cling to the love of the world. These persons are not qualified to teach the truth, for they do not present to the world the safe standard. Words, however true and forcible, will have but little effect, if contradicted by the daily life.  {RH, June 20, 1882 par. 3}




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