Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .
A U T H O R I T Y g i v e n ( 2 RELATED PHRASES ) |
The phrase 'authority given' appears 6 times in the published writings of EGW See page on Original site Related Phrase: authority given him ( ) - - given authority ( 7 ) ( below )
However great the confidence reposed in any man, whatever the authority given him by his position, let him not think that he can therefore indulge in surmisings, in suspicions, in evil-thinking, and evil-speaking, because he is too cowardly or too indolent to speak plainly to his brethren and sisters according to Christ’s rule, and faithfully to correct existing errors. His position and authority depend upon his connection with God, upon the discernment and wisdom he receives from above. Let us be careful that we do not pass sentence of condemnation upon one who we do not feel is congenial to us, because he does not meet our ideas and praise and exalt us. Christ would have his church strong in unity. Let us all praise God that we are not to be judged according to man’s finite discernment, which is very liable to be perverted. { RH May 14, 1895, par. 2 } |
The king had received his request so favorably that Nehemiah felt encouraged to ask for still more help. He asked for a military escort to give authority to his mission. He obtained royal letters to the governors of the territory he must pass through on his way to Judea and a letter to the keeper of the king’s forest in Lebanon, directing him to furnish timber. Nehemiah was careful to have the authority given him clearly defined. God’s children are not only to pray in faith but to work with diligent and wise care. { RR 222.8 } |
However great the confidence reposed in any man, whatever the authority given him by his position, let him not think that he can therefore indulge in surmisings, in suspicions, evil thinking and evil speaking, because he is too cowardly to speak plainly to his brethren and sisters, and to correct faithfully any existing errors. His position and authority depend upon his connection with God, upon the discernment and wisdom he receives from above. { 15MR 195.1 } |
The Creator has with His own authority given you His Sabbath to observe; and yet human agencies will attempt to set aside the Seventh-day Sabbath, which commemorates God’s holy work of creating the world in six working days, and resting on the seventh day. How can men dare assume the authority of Jehovah, and represent themselves as God, to change times and laws? { 21MR 88.5 } |
“And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of Heaven; and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven; and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven.” The Roman church makes a wrong application of these words of Christ. They claim that he addressed them specially to Peter. Hence he is represented in works of art as carrying a bunch of keys, which is a symbol of trust and authority given to ambassadors and others in high positions. The words of Christ: “I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of Heaven,” were not addressed to Peter alone, but to the disciples, including those who compose the Christian church in all ages. Peter was given no preference nor power above that of the other disciples. Had Jesus delegated any special authority to one of them, we would not find them so frequently contending among themselves as to who should be greatest. They would have at once submitted to the wish of their Master, and paid honor to the one whom he had selected as their head. { 2SP 273.2 } |
“And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of Heaven; and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven; and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven.” The Roman church makes a wrong application of these words of Christ. They claim that he addressed them specially to Peter. Hence he is represented in works of art as carrying a bunch of keys, which is a symbol of trust and authority given to ambassadors and others in high positions. The words of Christ: “I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of Heaven,” were not addressed to Peter alone, but to the disciples, including those who compose the Christian church in all ages. Peter was given no preference nor power above that of the other disciples. Had Jesus delegated any special authority to one of them, we would not find them so frequently contending among themselves as to who should be greatest. They would have at once submitted to the wish of their Master, and paid honor to the one whom he had selected as their head. { 3Red 66.2 } |
given authority - - God-given authority |
Parents are entitled to a degree of love and respect owed to no other person. To reject the rightful authority of one’s parents is also to reject the authority of God. The fifth commandment requires children not only to respect, submit to, and obey their parents, but also to give them love and tenderness, to lighten their cares, to guard their reputation, and to care for and comfort them in old age. It also requires respect for ministers and rulers and for all others to whom God has given authority. { BOE 148.8 } |
Before I went to the General Conference, I was instructed that I could help you. The Lord told me that I must bear my testimony at this meeting against the incorrect ideas that had been coming in in regard to forbearance and Christlikeness. My work was to present the standard of Christianity that had been presented to me. As one with God-given authority, I was to bear my message against the wrong principles that had been coming in. I dwelt on general principles, hoping that this would help you to understand the work that you must do if you enter the kingdom of God. { BCL 63.6 } |
It is heart-saddening to see the imbecility of parents in the exercise of their God-given authority. Men who in everything else are consistent and intelligent fail to understand the principles that should be brought into the training of their little ones. They fail to give them right instruction at the very time when right instruction, a godly example, and firm decision are most needed to lead in right lines the inexperienced minds that are ignorant of the deceptive and dangerous influences that they must meet with everywhere. { CG 237.1} |
Oh, that the Eli’s of today, who are everywhere to be found pleading excuses for the waywardness of their children, would promptly assert their own God-given authority to restrain and correct them. Let parents and guardians, who overlook and excuse sin in those under their care, remember that they thus become accessory to these wrongs. If, instead of unlimited indulgence, the chastening rod were oftener used, not in passion, but with love and prayer, we would see happier families and a better state of society. { CG 276.1} |
Oh that the Elis of today, who are everywhere to be found pleading excuses for the waywardness of their children, would promptly assert their own God-given authority to restrain and correct them. Let parents and guardians, who overlook and excuse sin in those under their care, remember that they thus become accessory to these wrongs. If, instead of unlimited indulgence, the chastening rod were oftener used, not in passion, but with love and prayer, we would see happier families and a better state of society. { ST November 24, 1881, par. 8 } |
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