Individual accountability

        Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the word . . .

             i n d i v i d u a l    a c c o u n t a b i l i t y          ( 33  RELATED  PHRASES )                      

                    The  phrase  'Individual accountability'  appears  33  times in the published writings of EGW          See page on Original site                                  Related phrase:  individual accountability to God  ( below )  - -  personal accountability  (  )

Some of these false teachers occupy prominent positions in the churches, and they influence others to swerve from the path of humble obedience. God holds every one of us to an individual accountability, and calls upon us to serve him from principle, to choose him for ourselves. We should not hang our souls upon the words and actions of another; for Satan uses men as his agents, and clothes his ministers in garments of light. Not one of us can pardon the sins of any other. In the day of Judgment, when the question comes to you as to why you did not obey the commandments of God, you cannot make an acceptable excuse on the plea of another's disobedience. If your words and example have led others in the path of sin, you alone must bear the responsibility of your actions and influence. Because a man who professes to love God, disobeys the plain word of instruction, you will not be justified in neglect of duty. We should every one ask, How shall I keep the commandments of our God?  {RH, January 31, 1888 par. 2}  { RH June 22, 1911, par. 2 }


It has ever been the design of Satan to draw the minds of the people from Jesus to man, and to destroy individual accountability. Satan failed in his design when he tempted the Son of God; but he succeeded better when he came to fallen man. Christianity became corrupted. Popes and priests presumed to take an exalted position, and taught the people to look to them for the pardon of their sins, instead of looking to Christ for themselves.  Early Writings, page 213.2
It has ever been the design of Satan to draw the minds of the people from Jesus to man, and to destroy individual accountability. Satan failed in his design when he tempted the Son of God. He succeeded better as he came to fallen man. The doctrine of Christianity was corrupted. Popes and priests presumed to take an exalted position, and taught the people to look to them to pardon their sins, instead of looking to Christ for themselves. The Bible was kept from them, in order to conceal the truths which would condemn them. { 1SG 108.1 } 


Do we individually realize our true position, that as God's hired servants we are not to bargain away our stewardship? We have an individual accountability before the heavenly universe, to administer the trust committed us of God. Our own hearts are to be stirred. Our hands are to have something to impart of the income that God entrusts to us. The humblest of us may be agents for God, using our gifts for His name's glory. He who improves his talents to the best of his ability may present to God his offering as a consecrated gift that shall be as fragrant incense before Him. It is the duty of everyone to see that his talents are turned to advantage as a gift that he must return, having done his best to improve it.  {TM 361.2} { 1888 1445.1 } 


Do you not remember that we have an individual accountability? We do not make articles of diet a test question, but we do try to educate the intellect, and to arouse the moral sensibility to take hold of health reform in an intelligent manner, as Paul presents it in Romans 13:8-14; 1 Corinthians 9:24-27; 1 Timothy 3:8-12.  MS 1a 1890  { CD 466.1 } 
Yet brethren should esteem one another, counsel together, and pray together until there is unity among them. God wants us to work with an eye single to his glory. A vast amount of talent, of influence and piety, is lost to the cause because individual accountability is not recognized and respected. If mistakes are made, as they will be, do not fall back, content to make no further effort, but try again. With agony of desire, in humility, with wrestling faith, come to One who is too wise to err, and who will make no mistakes in your case; One who knows your every weakness, who will hear your heart-felt prayers, and who will let fire from heaven consume your offerings. May God make his servants wise through the divine illumination, that the mold of man may not be seen on any of the great and important enterprises before us. { RH December 15, 1885, Art. A, par. 4 }
Those who profess to receive and believe the truth are to be shown the deadly influence of selfishness and its tainting, corrupting power. The Holy Spirit must work upon the human agent, else another power will control mind and judgment. Spiritual knowledge of God and Jesus Christ whom He hath sent is the only hope of the soul. Each soul is to be taught of God, line upon line, precept upon precept; he must feel his individual accountability to God to engage in service for his Master, whose he is, and whom he is required to serve in the work of saving souls from death. -- Manuscript 25, 1899.  {Ev 354.3}


Chap. 38 - Individual Accountability   All thy commandments are righteousness. Ps. 119:172.  The Spirit of God will lead us in the path of the commandments; for the promise is that "when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth." We should try the spirits by the test of God's Word; for there are many spirits in the world. "To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them." . . .  {RC 52.2}
  God holds every one of us to an individual accountability, and calls upon us to serve Him from principle, to choose Him for ourselves. . . .  {RC 52.3}


                                     i n d i v i d u a l    a c c o u n t a b i l i t y    t o    g o d                                                            


We have an individual accountability to God, an individual work which no one can do for us. It is to make the world better by precept, personal effort, and example. While we should cultivate sociability, let it not be merely for amusement, but for a purpose. There are souls to save. . . . Our intercourse with others should be characterized by sobriety and heavenly-mindedness. Our conversation should be upon heavenly things. . . .  {ML 207.2}


Paul urged Timothy to meditate upon those things that are pure and excellent, that his profiting might appear unto all. The same counsel is greatly needed by men of the present age. I urge upon our workers the necessity of purity in every thought, every act. We have an individual accountability to God, an individual work which no one else can do for us. It is to strive to make the world better. While we should cultivate sociability, let it not be merely for amusement, but for a higher purpose.  {GW 125.2}
Again I urge upon you the necessity of purity in every thought, in every word, in every action. We have an individual accountability to God, an individual work which no one can do for us. It is to make the world better by precept, personal effort, and example. While we should cultivate sociability, let it not be merely for amusement, but for a purpose. There are souls to save.-- Review and Herald, Nov. 10, 1885.  {Ev 495.2}


                                                                personal  accountability

  Teachers in the canvassing work have grave responsibilities to bear. Those who rightly comprehend their position, will direct and instruct those under their care with a sense of their personal accountability, and will inspire others to fidelity in the cause. They will be much in prayer, they will understand that their words and actions are making impressions that will not be easily effaced, but will be as enduring as eternity. They will realize that no other can come after them and correct their mistakes, or supply their deficiencies. How important it is, then, that the teachers' subject, manner, and spirit are after God's order.-- Review and Herald, May 20, 1890.  {CM 56.3}

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