We are accountable for . . . (21)

      Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the phrase . . .

            W e    A R E    a c c o u n t a b l e    f o r  . . .       (  3  RELATED  PHRASES )                      

               The  phrase  'we are accountable for . . .'  appears  21  times in the published writings of EGW                See page on Original site                                    Related Phrase:  we are accountable for the way  ( below )  - -   we are responsible for . . .  ( 45 )

   As we have followed down the chain of prophecy, revealed truth for our time has been clearly seen and explained. We are accountable for the privileges that we enjoy and for the light that shines upon our pathway. Those who lived in past generations were accountable for the light which was permitted to shine upon them. Their minds were exercised in regard to different points of Scripture which tested them. But they did not understand the truths which we do. They were not responsible for the light which they did not have. They had the Bible, as we have; but the time for the unfolding of special truth in relation to the closing scenes of this earth’s history is during the last generations that shall live upon the earth. { 2T 692.2} 


   The question is asked, How shall we hear without a preacher? But when God has given His message to us through the instrumentality of men, then we are accountable for how we teach that message. It is a great and solemn truth that God has given us, and we should not confine this truth to ourselves; but we should be seeking in every way possible to present it to others, that the Lord is coming. The end of this earth's history is to take place in a short time. Are we indifferent and careless in regard to the matter? Why, we must be in that position that we will feel that we are accountable for the souls around us.  {2SAT 26.4}


  The theory of eternal torment is one of the false doctrines that constitute the wine of the abomination of Babylon, of which she makes all nations drink. Revelation 14:8; 17:2. That ministers of Christ should have accepted this heresy and proclaimed it from the sacred desk is indeed a mystery. They received it from Rome, as they received the false sabbath. True, it has been taught by great and good men; but the light on this subject had not come to them as it has come to us. They were responsible only for the light which shone in their time; we are accountable for that which shines in our day. If we turn from the testimony of God's word, and accept false doctrines because our fathers taught them, we fall under the condemnation pronounced upon Babylon; we are drinking of the wine of her abomination.  Great Controversy, page 536.3   Entire Chapter 33  also  { 4SP 357.1 } 


  It is not enough to merely read, but the Word of God must enter into our hearts and our understanding, in order that we may be established in the blessed truth. If we should neglect to search the Scriptures for ourselves, that we may know what is truth, then if we are led astray, we are accountable for it. We must search the Scriptures carefully, so that we will know every condition that the Lord has given us; and if we have minds of limited capacity, by diligently searching the Word of God we may become mighty in the Scriptures, and may explain them to others.-- Review and Herald, April 3, 1888.  {Ev 366.1}
  This world is not the Christian's heaven, but merely the workshop of God, where we are to be fitted up to unite with the sinless angels in a holy heaven. We should be constantly training the mind to noble, unselfish thoughts. This education is necessary to so bring into exercise the powers which God has given us that His name shall best be glorified upon the earth. We are accountable for all the noble qualities which God has given us, and to put these faculties to a use He never designed we should is showing base ingratitude to Him. The service of God demands all the powers of our being, and we fail of meeting the design of God unless we bring these powers to a high state of cultivation, and educate the mind to love to contemplate heavenly things, and strengthen and ennoble the energies of the soul by right actions, operating to the glory of God. . . .  {AG 297.3}  { 2T 187.2}


  The apostle tells us that we are to give to every man that asks us a reason of the hope that is within us, with meekness and fear. "The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple." It is not enough to merely read, but the Word of God must enter into our hearts and our understanding, in order that we may be established in the blessed truth. If we should neglect to search the Scriptures for ourselves, that we may know what is truth, then if we are led astray, we are accountable for it. We must search the Scriptures carefully, so that we will know every condition that the Lord has given us; and if we have minds of limited capacity, by diligently searching the word of God we may become mighty in the Scriptures, and may explain them to others. . . .  {LHU 114.3}  { BLJ 116.4}  { RH April 3, 1888, par. 3 }
  The Spirit of the Lord has been striving with your wife for some time. If you would yield all to God, she would have strength to take her position to seek to live out the truth. If you choose to turn from the truth, you will not go down alone; you will not only lose your own soul, but will be the means of turning others out of the way, and the blood of souls will be on your garments. Had you maintained your integrity, your mother, your brother E, and one who now hovers over the brink of the grave, might now be enjoying the consolation of the Spirit of God and have a good experience in the truth. Ever bear in mind that we are accountable for the influence we exert. Our influence gathers with Christ or scatters abroad. We are either helping souls in the narrow path of holiness or we are a hindrance, a stumbling block to them, turning them out of the way. You, my much-esteemed brother, have no time to lose. Be in earnest to redeem the time, because the days are evil. Your associates, those whose company you have chosen, have been a hindrance to you. Come out from among them, and be separate. Draw near to God, and come into closer union with His people. Let your interest and your affections center in Christ and His followers. Love those best who love Christ most. Sever the links which have bound you to those who love not God and the truth. What communion hath light with darkness? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? { 2T 47.2} 


  Speech is a talent, and can be used to honor or dishonor God. We are accountable for our use of the talent of words.... The talent of speech, of memory, of property, all are to accumulate for the glory of God, to advance His kingdom.— Lt 44, 1900. { VSS 16.1} 


                                             We  are  accountable  for  the  way  . . .                                            
   The third angel's message is most solemn, fearful, and important. To us God has entrusted it, and we are accountable for the way we handle this sacred testing truth. If our defects of character betray us into sins which repulse souls and turn them from the truth, their blood will be upon our garments.--Letter 1, 1873, p. 10. (To Brother and Sister Canright, November 12, 1873.)  {5MR 313.1}


  The third angel's message is most solemn, fearful, and important. To us God has entrusted it, and we are accountable for the way we handle this sacred, testing truth. If our defects of character betray us into sins which repulse souls and turn them from the truth, their blood will be upon our garments.  {15MR 242.3}






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