Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with the word . . .
s A t a n ( 175 RELATED PHRASES ) s a t a n i c |
The name 'Satan' appears xxxx times in the writings of Ellen White See page on Original Site
Phrases about belonging to Satan aka Satan's ( separate page with 49 phrases)
Other Names for Satan ( separate page with 12 names and 23 related phrases )
Satanic ( 1,318 ) ( see separate list below )
++ attributes of Satan ( 95 ) > attributes of the prince of evil ( ) > Satanic attributes ( )
++ Satan is leading ( ) ( see Following Satan )
+ Satan is most successful ( 8 ) > most successful agencies ( of Satan ) ( 11 )
+ Satan is on the Ground ( 21 ) > Satan and his angels is on the ground
+ Satan Knows ( 118 ) > Satan Knows better than God's people ( 3 )
+ Satan as their Leader ( 10 )
+ Satan can . . . ► How Satan can influence the multitudes ( 5 )
Satan can not ( 96 ) ( see below )
+ Existence of Satan ( ) ( under construction )
+ Satan Invents ( 7 ) > Satan invented ( 4 )
+ Satan created the great conflict ( 2 )
+++ Satan says ( 34 ) + Satan said . . . ( )
+ Character of Satan ( ) + his true character ( 5 )
+ Satan unmasked ( )
Satan will be judged by his own idea of justice. It was his plea that every sin should meet its punishment. If God remitted the punishment, he said, He was not a God of truth or justice. Satan will meet the judgment which he said God should exercise. {12MR 413.1} (MS 111, 1897) {5BC 1087.4} |
+++ instruments to Satan ( 3 )
+ partnership with Satan ( 11 ) > co-partnership with Satan ( 4 )
+ Conflict with Satan ( 39 ) > a lifelong conflict with Satan ( 3 )
S A T A N C O N T R O L S |
+ Control of Satan ( 131 ) > Under the control of Satan ( )
+ Satan has control of . . . ( 12 ) ► Satan has control of the mind
+ Controlled by Satan ( 34 ) > Control by Satanic Agencies ( 10 )
Satan will take possession of every mind given to his control, and will work through every agency that he can secure, to further his plans. And the greater the necessity of shedding light into the darkness of the world, the greater and more varied will be Satan’s efforts to intercept the light. { 1888 802.2 }
S A T A N S E E K S T O . . . ( appears 107 times ) |
+ Satan seeks to . . . accomplish ( 3 )
+ Satan seeks to blot (4) > Satan seeks to destroy ( 11 ) > Satan seeks to divert ( 8 )
+ Satan seeks to decieve ( 5 ) > Satan seeks to entice (4) > Satan seeks to hinder
+ Satan seeks to counterwork the work of God ( 5 ) > Satan seeks to draw
+ Satan is seeking to . . . ( 61 ) ► Satan is constantly seeking to
> Satan is seeking to destroy
> Satan is seeking to deceive ( 2 )
> Satan is seeking to lead ( 5 )
> Satan is seeking to shut out God ( 5 )
+ Satan is determined to ( ) >
+ What Satan wants ( 9 ) ► This is what Satan wants ( 4 ) See Purpose of Satan
From the first, the great controversy had been upon the law of God. Satan had sought to prove that God was unjust, and that His law was faulty, and that the good of the universe required it to be changed. In attacking the law, he aimed to overthrow the authority of its Author. In the controversy it was to be shown whether the divine statutes were defective and subject to change, or perfect and immutable. { ST November 4, 1908, par. 12 } |
S A T A N W O R K S . . . ( appears 210 times ) |
+++ Satan works . . . ( 210 ) ► Satan works through . . . + Satan always works ( 2 )
+ Satan works to . . . ( 47 ) ► +++ Satan works to destroy ( 8 )
⇒ Satan is working to . . . ( 42 ) > He is working to . . .
+ Satan works with . . . ( 40 )
+ Satan's Work ( ) > Satan's Work is to . . . ( ) > Warnings regarding Satan's work ( )
► Satan's work near the close of probation ( 5 )
+ Works of the Devil ( ) see also Work of Satan ( below )
And see the storms and tempests! Satan is working in the atmosphere; he is poisoning the atmosphere, and here we are dependent upon God for our lives — our present and eternal life. And being in the position that we are, we need to be wide-awake, wholly devoted, wholly converted, wholly consecrated to God. But we seem to sit as though we were paralyzed. God of heaven, wake us up! { 2SAT 69.3 } and { 2SM, page 52 } and { LDE 26.4 } |
+ the work of Satan ( 148 ) > the work of our great adversary ( )
► The special work of Satan ( 16 ) > the special work of Satan is to
> Satan works to destroy ( 6 )
. . . o f S A T A N ( appears xxx times ) |
+ Agent of Satan ( 38 ) > agents of Satan ( 116 ) ( see Satan's Agents )
+ Assaults of Satan ( 58 ) >>> Impregnable to the assaults of Satan
► Attacks of Satan ( 42 )
+ attributes of Satan ( ) > attributes of the prince of evil ( )
** + Bulwarks of Satan ( 5 )
+ Captive of Satan ( 11 )
+ Control of Satan ( 131 ) > Under the control of Satan > under his control
> His power to control ( 10 )
+ Deceptions of Satan ( 73 ) > Shield against the Deceptions of Satan
> Satan's most successful deceptions
> blinded by Satan's deceptions ( )
> Deception of the Devil
+ Delusions of Satan ( 48 ) > Blinded by the delusions of Satan ( see Satanic Delusions )
+ Devices of Satan ( 128 ) ( see also Satan's Devices ) above
+ Enchantments of Satan ( ) >
+ Falsehoods of Satan ( see Satan's Falsehoods )
+ instruments of Satan ( 7 ) + instrument in the hands of Satan ( 6 )
+ invention of Satan ( ) >
+ is of Satan ( 14 ) > this spirit is of Satan ( 3 )
+ Literature of Satan ( 3 )
+ Malice of Satan ( 9 )
+ methods of Satan ( ) Satan's own method ( )
Notwithstanding Christ's warning, men have sought to uproot the tares. To punish those who were supposed to be evildoers, the church has had recourse to the civil power. Those who differed from the established doctrines have been imprisoned, put to torture and to death, at the instigation of men who claimed to be acting under the sanction of Christ. But it is the spirit of Satan, not the Spirit of Christ, that inspires such acts. This is Satan's own method of bringing the world under his dominion. God has been misrepresented through the church by this way of dealing with those supposed to be heretics. {COL 74.1} |
+ On the side of Satan ( 22 )
++ Power of Satan ( 486 ) >> Resist the Power of Satan ( ) ► Power of the destroyer ( 19 )
+ Purpose of Satan ( 24 ) > his purpose (s)
+ Representative of Satan ( 10 ) ► Representatives of Satan ( 5 )
+ Servants of Satan ( 55 )
+ Snares of Satan ( 67 ) > Most Dangerous Snares
> His Snares under construction
> Snares of the Devil ( 8 )
► Ensnared by Satan ( 16 ) > Ensnared souls ( 5 )
+ Snare of Satan ( ) under construction ► Snare of the enemy ( 60 )
+ Sophistry of Satan ( 45 ) includes Satan's sophistry
+ Sorcery of Satan ( 9 ) > Satanic Sorcery ( 3 )
+++ Spirit of Satan ( 101 ) > Evidence that we possess the Spirit of Satan
+ Synagogue of Satan ( 86 ) > Satan's Chuch
+ Temptations of Satan ( 373 ) > victory over the temptations of Satan ( )
► Satan's Temptations ( 345 ) > power of Satan's temptations
> Blindness to Satan's Temptations ( 1 )
► His Temptations ( 512 )
+ ways of Satan ( ) >
The gospel will not sustain a final defeat; it will triumph. But for years it has been evident that selfishness, under the form of godliness, has been entering the Church. The perverse ways of Satan have taken the place of the ways of God. Unholy difference of opinion, under the garb of zeal for religion, has taken the place of Christian charity. By their bigotry, professed Christians have violated the principles which should ever be sacredly cherished. Criticism and denunciation have taken the place of sympathy and forbearance. An inquisition has been set up among those who should be free from all overbearing. {RH, January 7, 1902 par. 16} |
+ the work of Satan ( 148 ) > the work of our great adversary ( )
► The special work of Satan ( 16 ) > the special work of Satan is to
> Satan works to destroy ( 6 )
+ the wrath of Satan ( 39 ) > stir the wrath of Satan ( )
. . . by Satan
+ controlled by Satan ( 34 ) > see section above for Satan Controls
+ Overcome by Satan ( 30 ) ► will be overcome by Satan
+ Inspired by Satan ( ) >
+ Prompted by Satan ( 19 ) > discouragement prompted by Satan ( 3 )
+ blinded by Satan's deceptions ( )
. . . from Satan
+ come from Satan ( 3 ) > comes from Satan ( 3 )
S A T A N I C ( 9 phrases ) |
The word 'Satanic' appears 1,318 times in the writing of EGW
+ Satanic Agencies ( 450 ) > Controlled by Satanic agencies ( 10 )
> Most successful agencies ( 11 )
+ Satanic Delusions ( 47 )
+ satanic forces ( 15 ) > Legions of Satanic Forces
+ Satanic influence ( 28 ) > Satanic influences ( 30 )
+ Satanic Power ( 51 )
+ . . . is Satanic (16 )
+ Satan Cannot . . . ( 96 ) > Satan cannot control minds unless
> limit beyond which Satan cannot go
► Satan not allowed to ( 5 )
+ Satan is permitted to . . . > The Lord permits Satan ( 4 )
Through his deception and delusion, Satan would, if possible, deceive the very elect. His is no minor deception. He will seek to annoy, to harass, to falsify, to accuse, and misrepresent all whom he cannot compel to give him honor and help him in his work. His great success lies in keeping men's minds confused, and ignorant of his devices, for then he can lead the unwary as it were, blindfolded. . . . {3SM 423.1}
Gladly would Satan have come to the help of those whom he had deceived, and who were devoted to his service. Gladly would he have sent the lightning to kindle their sacrifice. But Jehovah has set Satan’s bounds, restrained his power, and not all the enemy’s devices can convey one spark to Baal’s altar. Prophets and Kings, page 150.1 Read entire chapter 11
Said the angel, "Rebellion will occur up to the time of the closing up of the work of the third angel's message. Marvel not, neither be discouraged. He who conquered the leader in rebellion stands at the head of this great work. Although Satan may exult and seem for a time to triumph, the first great Conqueror has His eyes upon him, and he can go no further than He permits. He is permitted to have power for a time to reveal the truehearted, to prove the faithful, to develop the spurious and separate them from the pure in heart. Rebels will be purged out from among the loyal and true in due time, for the truth has gathered of every kind." -- Ms 1, 1865, p. 3. ("Rebellion Within the Ranks," circa 1865.) {5MR 297.2}
Other Phrases Related to Satan
See Related Phrases in SIN + Rebellion of Satan +
+ Sin and Satan ( 63 ) > to Sin and Satan > against Sin and Satan
+ Satan has substituted ( )
+ Satan is in this. ( 2 ) > Satan is in this work > Satan is in this world
How Satan Operates - Stephen Bohr - 2010 ( 60 minutes )
Note: Numbers shown in ( ) is the ( number of texts ) containing this phrase
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