Last Day Events (Separate page)

    Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White and the Bible about . . .             See page on the Original Site

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                  Video:   These Last Days  -  Nader Mansour  ( 1 hour )    about the Kingdom on God in you 

          +     Signs of the Last Days   +   in these last days

            +     Perils of the last days  (  )  

            +     this last generation ( 8 )  >  in this last generation  ( 3 )   >  for this last generation ( 5 )

            +     We are living in the last days   (  )

            +     Delusions that will come in the last days  ( 6 )


                                                                         Events   connected   with   1 7 9 8                                                                         

                       +    Papal wound ( end of 1260 year supremacy ) - Daniel 7: 25:  Rev. 13: 3;  GC 256:1;  GC 439: 2

                       +    Knowledge increased after 1798 - Daniel 12: 4;  GC 356: 0

                       +    Book of Daniel unsealed  -  Daniel 12: 4, 9-11; Rev. 10: 2; GC 356: 2

                       +    US rises as a nation - - Rev. 13: 11;  GC 440: 1, 2

                          Second Advent proclaimed after 1798 - Daniel 7: 25-27; GC 356: 1

        - -  Midnight Cry - Matthew 25: 5 - 7

                         +    Given from summer to autumn of 1844 - GC 398:3;  GC 426: 2;  GC 427: 8

                         +    United with 2nd Angel's message / gave power  -  EW 238: 1, 2;  GC 402:1

                         +    Separated God's people from fallen churches - EW 238: 3;  GC 402: 1

                         +    Preparation for 3rd Angel's Message & Sanctuary truth - - Rev 10: 11; 11: 1-3, 18, 19;


               Great Disappointment  --  Oct. 22, 1844

                        Predicted  -  Rev. 10:2, 8-10 (see Zech. 9:9; Matt. 21: 1-9);  GC 403:1-405:2

                        Designed by God to prove & test His people - EW 246: 2, 3

                        Mistake found - prophecy again, but with the Sanctuary truth
                             Rev. 10: 11; Rev. 11: 1-3, 18, 19;  GC 403: 1 to 405:2;  GC 409:1 to 413:3;  GC 423: 1

               Third Angel's Message -- Rev. 14: 9 - 12

                        Began in 1844 as Jesus entered the Most Holy Place - - EW 254: 1

                       Embraces the First and Second Angel's Messages -- 8T 197: 2

                       To separate the wheat from the tares and seal them -- EW 118:1

                       Ends at the close of probation -- GC 613: 2


                    Investigative Judgment   - -  Eccl. 12: 14; Matt 12: 36, 37; Malachi 3: 1 -

                      Cleansing of Sanctuary began in 1844 - Dan. 7: 13;  GC 400:0

                      Christ entered the Most Holy Place to begin judgment 
                           - Hebrews 8 & 9;  Rev. 11: 1-3, 18, 19;  GC 424: 1-3

                      Cleansing = Investigative Judgment - Rev. 14: 6,7; Hebrews 9: 23 - 27' GC 480.1

                      Only for the professed people of God - 1 Peter 4: 17;  GC 480: 1


                   Shaking  Time  - Hebrews 12: 27;  EW 269-273

                    It has already started - continues until the close of probation - 1T 429: 1

                    Purpose is to purify the church - Eph 5: 25 - 27;   Malachi 3: 1-3;  1T 429:1

                   Causes:  Heresies - - 1 Tim. 4:1; 5T 707 and Straight Testimony - 1T 161

                   Those shaken - GC 608:2;  EW 50: 3;   5T 80.0 to 81:1

                   Great proportion shaken - - Matthew 22: 14; 5T 136:1;  2T 445:0;  GC 608


                 National  Sunday  Law

                          See  Revelation 13: 14 - 17  ( compare to Daniel 3 )

                     People appeal to civil authorities to enact law- Rev: 13: 14-17;  GC 607: 1

                     Brings National apostasy - 5T 451: 1;  Then national Ruin - 7 BC 977; 2SM 373

                    Unites the protestant churches with the Catholic Church - 5T 712:0  GC 607: 1

                    Image to the Beast is formed - Rev. 13: 13, 14;  GC 445: 1, 2


            - -  Latter  Rain  and  the  Loud  Cry   

                       Coincides with short time of trouble - EW 33: 2;  EW 85:3 to 86:0

                       Latter Rain helps 3rd Angel's message develop into a Loud Cry - Rev. 18: 1-4:  EW 277

                       Lights up world - ripens harvest - Rev. 18: 1;  GC 611: 2;  GC 612:2;  EW 277: 1

                       Miracles - Sick Healed - -  EW 278:1;  GC 612:1

                       Prepares the saints for last plagues. Ends at close of probation - EW 86: 0


       - -   Short  Time  of  Trouble

                       Coincides with the Latter Rain just before the plagues - EW 85:3 to 86:0

                       Cause - 2 Tim. 3: 12;  GC 606: 2 to 607: 1

       - -   Marvelous  working  of  Satan   

                        Begins after Sunday Law - 5T 451: 1, 2

                       Through Spiritualism - evil angels impersonate dead perfectly - GC 552: 1; GC 560: 1

                       Wonders, miracles, healing - Rev. 13: 13, 14; Rev 16: 13-14;  GC 588:2 -- 589:1

                       Satan brings war, disease, disaster, storms - Rev. 16: 14; GC 589:1 to 590:0

                       Claims saints cause trouble by violating Sunday - GC 589 to 590:1

                       World, headed by papacy, unite & oppose the saints - Rev. 13: 3, 4, 8;  7T 182

                       Satan counterfeits the second coming of Christ - Matt. 24: 23-27

                       As Angel of Light - he claims he changed the Sabbath to Sunday - 2 Cor. 11: 14;  GC 624:2


       - -  Mark  of  the  Beast

                      Revelation 13: 16, 17;   Rev. 14: 9 - 11

                      Received after the truth is made plain to all - GC 449: 1:  GC 604: 3;  GC 605:2


       - -  Sealing   Time

                      Revelation 7: 1-4;  Ezekiel 9: 3-6

                      The Sabbath is the Seal - Ezekiel 20: 20;  GC 640: 1;  8T 117

                      Qualifications:  Reflect image of Jesus fully; No Sin - - EW 71: 1, 2

                      Completed just before probation closed - Ezekiel 9: 1-7; EW 279:2 to 280:1

       - -   Close   of   Probation  

                     Revelation 22: 11   "He who is unjust let him be unjust still . . ."   

                      suggest some references


       My  personal  favorites

Men may get up scheme after scheme and the enemy will seek to seduce souls from the truth, but all who believe that the Lord has spoken through Sister White and has given her a message will be safe from the many delusions that will come in these last days.-- 3SM 83, 84 (1906).  {LDE 44.2}


We are living in the last days, in a time when we may expect much from the Lord. These words should bring us to the throne of grace to claim great things of Him. Here the promise is given that on the men and women and on our sons and daughters the Holy Spirit is to come; and "whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." This brings to view a wonderful work to be done, for which we need the converting power of God in our hearts every day. It is our privilege to experience this. Heaven is full of blessings, and it is our privilege to claim the rich promises of God for our individual selves. We need to seek the Lord day and night that we may know just what steps to take and just what we ought to do.  {ML 62.2}


      Note:    Numbers shown in ( ) is the  ( number of texts )  containing this phrase

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