Law of God (Separate page)

      Quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White with . . .

            L  A  w     o f     g o d            (  25  related  phrases  )                             

                        Related texts:   Ten Commandments   - -                          See this page on Original site

            +      Obedience to the Law of God     >    Obey the Law of God  ( 93 )

                 set aside the law of God  ( 4 )    >  Setting aside the law of God  ( 5 )  
                                                                          >   casting aside the law of God  ( 2 )
                                                                          >    the law of God is set aside   ( 12 )

            +     Honor the Law of God    ( 14 )

            +     the Ceremonial Law   ( 113 )

            +     The Moral Law   ( 136 )    >     transgression of the moral law  (  )

            +     obedience to the Law of God    

            +     the Law in Galatians   ( 125 )    >

            +     the law can be kept    (  3 )    >    can keep the law of God  ( 20 )

       Against  the  Law  of  God   - -      +++   oppose the Law of God   (  )  

                                                               +   the Law has no . . .   (  )


                      .  .  .  of   the   Law   of   God

                       +    importance of the Law

                       +     immutability of the Law of God  (  )

Those who received the light concerning the sanctuary and the immutability of the law of God were filled with joy and wonder as they saw the beauty and harmony of the system of truth that opened to their understanding. They desired that the light which appeared to them so precious might be imparted to all Christians; and they could not but believe that it would be joyfully accepted. But truths that would place them at variance with the world were not welcome to many who claimed to be followers of Christ. Obedience to the fourth commandment required a sacrifice from which the majority drew back.  Great Controversy, page 454.1   Entire Chapter 26



                   the   Law   of   God  .  .  .  

                     +    the law of God existed before  ( 15 )    >   the law of God existed before the creation

                     +    the Law has no power to pardon 

                    +    Law of God is no longer binding    ( 10 )  
                                                                      →    If the law of God were not binding

                    +    Law of God has been changed     ( 10 )

                    +    when the law of God is made void   ( 18 )   >   living in an age when the law of God is made void (  )

But concerning the law of Ten Commandments the psalmist declares, "Forever, O Lord, Thy word is settled in heaven." Psalm 119:89. And Christ Himself says, "Think not that I am come to destroy the law. . . . Verily I say unto you"--making the assertion as emphatic as possible --"Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." Matthew 5:17, 18. Here He teaches, not merely what the claims of God's law had been, and were then, but that these claims should hold as long as the heavens and the earth remain. The law of God is as immutable as His throne. It will maintain its claims upon mankind in all ages.  {PP 365.1}


              Transgress   the   Law   of   God

                       >  Transgressing Law (dishonors God)       see dishonors God

                     +    transgressed God's Law  ( 13 )

                        transgressors of God's law  ( 109 )   >  become transgressors of God's law  (  )

            Please Suggest a phrase for this section: 


God’s Law is also a transcript of His character. Look at the comparison between God and His Holy Law.

    God is . . .         - - -    the Law is . . .
       Luke 18: 19      Good       Romans 7: 12
       Isaiah 5: 16       Holy       Romans 7: 12
       Matthew 5: 48       Perfect       Psalm 19: 7
       1 John 3: 3       Pure       Psalm 19: 8
       Deuteronomy 32: 4       Just       Romans 7: 12
       John 3: 33       True       Psalm 19: 9
       John 4: 24       Spiritual         Romans 7: 14
       Exodus 9: 27       Righteous       Psalm 19: 9
       1 Corinthians 1: 9       Faithful       Psalm 119: 86
       1 John 4: 8       Love       Romans 13: 10
       Marachi 3: 6       Unchangeable       Matthew 5: 18
       Genesis 21: 33       Eternal       Psalm 111:  7, 8


  See also   Law of Moses

                    My  Favorites

The law of God is the standard by which the characters and the lives of men will be tested in the judgment. Says the wise man: "Fear God, and keep His commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment." Ecclesiastes 12:13, 14. The apostle James admonishes his brethren: "So speak ye, and so do, as they that shall be judged by the law of liberty." James 2:12    Great Controversy, page 482.2   Read entire chapter 28



There are many who try to blend these two systems, using the texts that speak of the ceremonial law to prove that the moral law has been abolished; but this is a perversion of the Scriptures. The distinction between the two systems is broad and clear. The ceremonial system was made up of symbols pointing to Christ, to His sacrifice and His priesthood. This ritual law, with its sacrifices and ordinances, was to be performed by the Hebrews until type met antitype in the death of Christ, the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world. Then all the sacrificial offerings were to cease. It is this law that Christ "took . . . out of the way, nailing it to His cross." Colossians 2:14.  But concerning the law of Ten Commandments the psalmist declares, "Forever, O Lord, Thy word is settled in heaven." Psalm 119:89. And Christ Himself says, "Think not that I am come to destroy the law. . . . Verily I say unto you" -- making the assertion as emphatic as possible --"Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." Matthew 5: 17, 18. Here He teaches, not merely what the claims of God's law had been, and were then, but that these claims should hold as long as the heavens and the earth remain. The law of God is as immutable as His throne. It will maintain its claims upon mankind in all ages.  Patriarchs and Prophets, page 365.1


Many have lost very much in that they have not opened the eyes of their understanding to discern the wondrous things in the law of God. On the one hand, religionists generally have divorced the law and the gospel, while we have, on the other hand, almost done the same from another standpoint. We have not held up before the people the righteousness of Christ and the full significance of His great plan of redemption. We have left out Christ and His matchless love, brought in theories and reasonings, and preached argumentative discourses.  {FW 15.3}


             Note:   Numbers shown in ( ) is the  ( number of texts )  containing this phrase

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